Getting Started

Matrix Class

Dense Algebra

Dense Decompositions

Dense Linear Algebra

Quaternion Class



Eigenkit is a linear algebra library for C++ programming language.
This library it's still under development, but it's already possible to observe how the structure of the first completed version will be. Currently, it only offers a variety of methods for dense matrices, linear systems and quaternions. Many other important features, such as methods for sparse matrices, will be added with subsequent releases.


  • Supports many C++ Standard Numerics Library functions and types, like complex
  • Compatible with any compiler
  • Easily Extensible
  • Open Source

Example of Usage

Here there's a simple first program to get you started:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <Eigenkit/Eigenkit.h>
    int main()
        ek::Matrix<int> mtx(2,2);
        mtx(0,0) = 1;
        std::cout << mtx(0,0);



The basic class provided by Eigenkit library is the Matrix class, whose instances retain the properties of dense matrices. In the code above, we are initializing a 2x2 matrix whose elements are integers, assigning the value 1 to the element in position (0,0) and showing on terminal the matrix element in position (0,0), which we expect to be 1.